2016年3月13日 星期日

"New" 猜猜咖喱 Guess Curry Food (Free)

猜猜咖喱 Guess Curry Food (Free)

Free exercise to review English vocabulary related to Curry Food.

Guess the picture, and select the correct answer. Try your memory, mind and perception skills in "猜猜咖喱 Guess CurryFood (Free)". This is a free exercise to review English vocabulary related to curry food.

For  further details ”猜猜咖 Guess Curry Food (Free), please visit https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lng.guesscurryfoodfree&hl=en

- Simple control
- Detailed statistics result
- Optimized for mobiles and tablets
- User friendly
- Guessing hints
- Without time limit

Let’s play the quiz and get the hints!  Have a lot of fun !!

2016年3月12日 星期六

"New" 猜猜咖喱 Guess Curry Food (Free)


一個益智有趣的咖喱食物問答遊戲, 從日常生活熟識的食物,測試你的英語準確度有多少,例如: 印度咖酥炸生蠔咖喱飯咖喱壽司咖喱魚咖喱雪糕咖喱風車卷等。
手機簡易操作, 提供分析結果, 不設時限, 設有不同的選擇。

有關 猜猜咖 Guess Curry Food (Free)”, 詳細資料請瀏灠  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lng.guesscurryfoodfree


1)      每局有10條問題
2)      每條問題都提供不同的咖喱食物圖片
3)      每幅圖片都提供不少於3不同的英文名稱以作選擇
4)      如果選擇正確,螢光幕會以綠色字顯示正確的名字,再接着下一條問題
5)      如果選擇錯誤,螢光幕會以紅色字顯示 Incorrect!字樣,直至正確答案出現,再接着下一條問題
6)      完成10條問題,螢光幕會顯示出你已選擇的次數和準確度百分比
7)      再按Reset Quiz便可重新另一局的遊戲


Blog: http://foodquizgame.blogspot.hk

2016年2月2日 星期二

Food to Cure Insomnia Quiz


有關 Food to Cure Insomnia Quiz”, 詳細資料請瀏灠

一個益智有趣的Food to Cure Insomnia Quiz問答遊戲,透過日常生活熟識的食物認知,那一類食物可令你身體放鬆、幫助入睡、沉睡、治療不眠症


手機簡易操作, 提供分析結果, 不設時限, 設有不同的選擇。Food to Cure Insomnia Quiz問答遊戲玩法非常簡單,主要特點是:

1)      每局有10條問題
2)      每條問題都提供不同的食物圖片
3)      每幅圖片都提供6個不同的食物英以作選擇
4)      如果選擇正確,螢光幕會以綠色字顯示正確的名字,再接着下一條問題
5)      如果選擇錯誤,螢光幕會以紅色字顯示 Incorrect!字樣,直至正確答案出現,再接着下一條問題
6)      完成10條問題,螢光幕會顯示出你已選擇的次數和準確度百分比
7)      再按Reset Quiz便可重新另一局的遊戲

你需要和期待已久的睡眠? 齊齊來猜猜吧!

Blog: http://foodquizgame.blogspot.hk/

2016年1月17日 星期日

Food to Cure Insomnia (Quiz)


Free exercise to review proper food to Cure Insomnia.

Guess the picture, and select the proper food.  Try your memory, mind and perception skills in "Food to Cure Insomnia".

At the end of the day, you have to eat right and live health
Let’s play the quiz and get the hints!  Have a lot of fun !!

猜猜Kimchi問答遊戲 (Korean Words Quiz)



一個益智有趣的猜猜Kimchi問答遊戲 (Korean Words Quiz),每款食物配有韓文、中文、及英文對照學習,從日常生活熟識的食物,測試你認識的韓文單字發音有多少,例如: 辣炒年糕、炸雞、啤酒、韓式拌飯、人參、蕎麥麵、泡菜、壽司、油炸圈餅、意粉、比薩、冰鎮芒果等。

Food Quiz – Cosmetics


Free exercise to review Cosmetic Effect related to Food.

Guess the picture, and select the cosmetic effect. Try your memory, mind and perception skills in "Food-based Cosmetics Quiz".

食物問答遊戲 (Food Quiz)



一個益智有趣的食物問答遊戲 從日常生活熟識的食物, 例如: 水果、蔬菜、海鲜、特式點心、小食、或甜品等,測試你的英語準確度有多少。

2016年1月2日 星期六

Food to Cure Insomnia (Quiz)

What’s Hot
Food to Cure Insomnia (Quiz)

Free exercise to review proper food to Cure Insomnia.

For  further details of "Food to Cure Insomnia (Quiz)" , please visit

Guess the picture, and select the proper food.  Try your memory, mind and perception skills in "Food to Cure Insomnia".

- Simple control
- Detailed statistics result
- Optimized for mobiles and tablets
- User friendly
- Guessing hints
- Without time limit

There are a number of methods that an individual can use in order to improve his or her chances of curing insomnia by getting a good sleep at night.  Some of the best natural foods that promote relaxation might be just the ways to fall asleep.

Soya bean and peas help in relaxing muscles and calming nerves.  This helps to induce drowsiness and sleep in a person.  Almonds are also a very good source of rich protein which helps in the maintenance of stable blood sugar while sleeping.

At the end of the day, you have to eat right and live health
Let’s play the quiz and get the hints!  Have a lot of fun !!

Blog: http://foodquizgame.blogspot.hk