2015年10月29日 星期四

**NEW** 食物美容猜看 (Food-based Cosmetic Quiz)

"New" Free exercise to review Cosmetic Effect related to Food.

 For  further details  on "食物美容猜看 (Food-based Cosmetic Quiz)", please visit   https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lng.foodbasedcosmeticsquiz

Guess the picture, and select the cosmetic effect. Try your memory, mind and perception skills in "Food-based Cosmetics Quiz".

This is a free quiz game to review cosmetic effect related to food, and designed for all those people who are interested in refreshing what you know in natural cosmetics, eating for healthy skin, eating for shiny hair, prevent acne, sun care, smooth skin, vision care, look rosy, anti-wrinkle, skin whitening, anti-aging, age defying, antioxidant, enrich blood, exfoliator, fatigue, good color, eye health, hair regrowth, energy boost, stay slim, healthy lifestyle and self-knowledge.

- Simple control
- Detailed statistics result
- Optimized for mobiles and tablets
- User friendly
- Guessing hints
- Without time limit

Start your way to natural beauty, natural haircare, live healthier.
Let’s play the quiz and get the hints!  Have fun !!

2015年10月26日 星期一

食物美容猜看 (Food-based Cosmetic Quiz)


手機問答遊戲 "食物美容猜看 (Food-based Cosmetic Quiz)" , 有興趣者可瀏覽以下網址 


一個益智有趣的食物美容猜猜看問答遊戲, 從日常生活熟識的食物,測試你認識的美容效果有多少,例如: 皮膚更光澤與彈性、美白保濕、氣色紅潤、毛髮再生、牙齒保健、防暗瘡、除老人斑、防晒、視力保健、保持苗條、頭髮光澤、消水腫、瘦身、抗氧化、美白、防皺紋、緊膚抗老、減少濕疹等。好的成份含量愈多,對妳的肌膚就愈有益。


手機簡易操作, 提供分析結果, 不設時限, 設有不同的選擇。


1)      每局有10條問題,
2)      每條問題都提供不同的食物圖片,
3)      每幅圖片都提供6個不同的美容效果英文名稱以作選擇,
4)      如果選擇正確,螢光幕會以綠色字顯示正確的名字,再接着下一條問題,
5)      如果選擇錯誤,螢光幕會以紅色字顯示 Incorrect!字樣,直至正確答案出現,再接着下一條問題,
6)      完成10條問題,螢光幕會顯示出你已選擇的次數和準確度百分比,
7)      再按Reset Quiz便可重新另一局的遊戲。

愈吃愈美麗,想要健康、閃亮的臉色。 齊齊來猜猜吧!